Sunday, 10 July 2011

The lovely people of Vietnam

This evening I went for a walk down a country road near the project. Amazing contrast - on one side local, fertily, small farms growing all manners of crops and opposite them, the would-be largest dairy farm project in the world!! Lots of concrete over precious land!!

Down the road I met some of the lovely locals, all of which smiled and greeted me so beatifully! They all liked the photos taken, and all seem to want it taken once they saw the camera. Lovely little kids, tough-looking workers. Also I met a bunch of workers, happy to ask for their photo to be taken. I wish I had a printer to give them back the photos.

They are all lean, fit and healthy looking. I have not seen one overweight vietnamese yet!!!They keep asking me how heavy I am and get very wide- eyed when i tell them my weight. They even poke around my tummy and woul say "very good, very healthy" Real funny.

Afew more photos of the people and the all-contrasting project.

 Friendly kids -The girl in green spoke quite good English
 No need for words
 The Vietnamese are proud of their country. This flags has a long tough history and i guess you would not want to meet a bunch of viet boys running towards you while flying one of these
 My good friend, the guard. Very impressed with my body weight. I weigh twice as much as him!!
 Jaca, also grown in Brasil but here is it native home
 The girl on the bike went by before I could snap a good photo of her with a lot of bananas on the back
A typical farm. note the soil. Maize growing.
 Local farm
 One of the new shed being built on the next new farm
 Project workers. Smilles...
 They all insisted on a photograph

Local farm opposite the project.

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